Hi Everyone!
Sorry I've been MIA. Last time I posted I was, literally, up to my eyeballs in felt and glitter. I've team mommed Diddle's baseball team every year since he started T-ball, but this is the first year that the Nugget is also playing...so I found myself saying "sure!" to team momming not one, but TWO, teams this year. Once the initial craziness of Opening Day is over, its not so bad...but the frenzy leading up to it this year was a little much for this Mama. I was able to pawn off delegate some of the tasks (such as cake contest entries) to another poor unsuspecting mama volunteer (Praise God) but the banners were mine to create. Now, I've won the banner contests in some years past and while this year's work was not winning caliber (holy moly some of these mamas must have a LOT of time on their hands..you can't believe what they can do with felt!), I'm still pretty happy with how they turned out.
Before I get to the fun part (Pictures!), I want to say that I was stoked that the league decided to go with Minor League Team names this year...it made it much more fun. I did not grow up playing sports (due to a complete lack of coordination and a fear of most sporting balls), so to be able to contribute to my sons' teams in this way makes me uber-happy!!!
Here they are. Two little league banners.
Presenting: The T-Ball Mudhens!
I affixed the pictures onto the felt using spray adhesive and then sewed a piece of laminating paper over the top to protect them from the elements. Then I just affixed the whole piece onto the big felt banner. What is difficult to see in the picture above (which is probably ok since its going on line for the whole wide world to see...ok, so maybe that's a little ambitious!), is that I also took close up shots of each kiddo's face and put it on the hen's body...turned out really funny and personalized!
I used the same method as above, but used some glitter paint and puffy paint to make the pictures a little more 3-dimensional.
My favorite part about these banners (and in banner's past) is that each player's name/picture is easy peasy to remove from the banner so that they can keep them as a small souvenir at the end of the season. Diddle has all of his old one's hanging in his room...its fun to see his "history of baseball" in these!
Anyway, I don't think this post would be complete without the little Mudhen and Storm themselves. I'm one proud mama!
Anyone else out there working on their kid's teams this year??