Hi Everyone!
So I'm supposed to be working from home today but can't seem to get focused on actual work. So what did I do? Made more laundry detergent! Last time, I made a HUGE batch of liquid detergent..which worked like a dream, however, took up a crazy amount of space (of which I do not have a lot of "extra") AND took a LOOOONG time...I think it was 3 days that it sat on my stove before I finally got it to the consistency I liked. Soooo, after rereading a couple of the comments from that post, I decided to try the dry stuff this time. I used the exact same ingredients (1 bar soap to 1 C borax to 1 C washing soda), but this time just left out the water.
I started using my trusty hand held grater:
But then my arm got tired. So I pulled out my handy dandy food processor and literally....zzziiiip..and it was done!
Then I just added the borax and washing soda right to the zipper and zhuzhed it a coupe of times:
And voila! It looks JUST like the stuff from the store and for PENNIES per load!
After seeing how fast the process went using the zipper (i.e., food processor)...I decided to make a 2nd batch and see how fast it really is....4 minutes people! 4 minutes to made laundry soap (which means I actually have plenty of time to get some work done...damn!) I'm storing it in an airtight container from Ikea so it doesn't get sticky, since our laundry room tends to get a little humid.
Most of the posts I've read about this kind of homemade soap say they use around 1-1.5 T of soap per load, depending on how dirty the clothes are...I'll let you know how it goes.
Oh..and I'm sure your dying to see (haha)....like I promised...here are my nails on day 9:
A little bit of grow out at the bottom (my nails tend to grow pretty fast) but NOOO Chips!!!! Yippee!!
Happy Thursday...I can see the weekend from here..can you???
I keep my home-made dry laundry detergent in the same container. :-) I just use the scoop from my OxyClean to add it to a load.