Monday, May 21, 2012

A Little Experiment

So I'm conducting a little experiment.  I'm confident that the Y chromosome is one of the causal factors because I feel like this is a common phenomenon that occurs in homes across our land with the guilty party being either a brother, son or husband.  Let me preface.  My boys made me the sweetest little planter cell phone charger for Mother's Day last weekend.  The charge was led my uber-sweet hubby, who went to the store for the kit and helped those little hands build and paint their masterpiece.  

However, and this is the strange phenomenon that seems to be ravaging the universe...once a project is complete, my husband appears to be suddenly stricken with paralysis..this is serious.  Its a nearly fatal condition called leavemyshitallovertheplace.  Google it, I'm pretty sure it will look something like this:

This terrible malady occurs nearly daily in my house...wrappers, especially, seem to the be the biggest cause of paralysis as I am constantly finding them all over the (usually) kitchen table.  Paper, plastic...doesn't matter.  He opens a package and then leaveshisshitallovertheplace...even though the trash is one foot away from his body.  

This is the mess that has been covering our patio table since last Friday night (2 full nights before Mother's Day).  I did notice that the lids are all closed and even the paintbrushes are washed, so I'm pretty sure that he is stricken somewhere before the putinthegarbageorrightfulplace phase of clean up.  So anyway, I'm not cleaning this up.  It will sit for as long as it sits.  I even tried a subtle hint of "gosh, where did you find that craft stuff?  I've been looking for that bin forever!" yesterday and was met with "in the laundry room cabinet'.  So I KNOW he KNOWS WHERE IT GOES!!!. 

Does anyone else experience this??  What are we to doooo????

Incidentally, I just went to the kitchen for a drink of water....dishwasher is open, half-way put away....progress???



  1. You need to post a daily picture, like you did for your nails. :)

    1. haha...that's genius...especially considering that the mess has grown!
