Sunday, April 1, 2012

Menu Monday..on a Sunday!

Hey There!
My family just returned home from a spring break trip to Pagosa Springs, Colorado.  I grew up in Colorado so to return there and introduce my boys to small town living is really important and special to me!  I'll post pics of our adventures later this week.  In the's our menu and shopping list for the week.  I have to preface this with this...unbeknowest to us, the freezer in our garage was somehow unplugged before we left (I'm thinking it happened in the Teacher's rush to make sure that all UNNECESSARY things were unplugged prior to our departure).  This means that our fully stocked freezer was without power for just over a week.  What we came home to was the most disgusting mess of STINK to ever meet your nose.  Therefor, this week...we are going vegetarian...I cannot get the smell of rotten meat out of my nose...I'm afraid I might be ruined for good.  Blech!!! (Don't even get me started on how I feel about all that WASTE...I pride myself on being a cheapskate..ahem, FRUGAL and making the most of everything we this loss hits me where it hurts...DAMN!)'s the menu:

Monday:  Bean and Spinach Soup (in the Slowcooker!!)
Tuesday:  Vegan Chili Verde
Wed:  I admit, this will probably be pizza night since I work late and we have a baseball game!
Thurs:  Lemon Quinoa Cilantro Chickpea Salad (try saying THAT 3 times fast!) a bonus...I'm currently in the process of baking a Baked Blueberry Oatmeal for breakfast the next few days..I've never tried a BAKED oatmeal so I'll let you know how it goes!

Here's the shopping list:  I'm light on the HAVE side this week since we've been out of town..and well, we suffered a terrible loss...boooo

Have:                                                          vs.                     NEED:
1/2 C uncooked brown rice                                                  2 quarts veggie broth
salt/pepper/garlic/basil/cumin                                              15 oz can tomato purree
parmesan cheese                                                                  2 15 oz cans white beans
                                                                                             2 onions
                                                                                             10 C spinach
                                                                                             4 large tomatillos
                                                                                             4 oz can green chilis
                                                                                             bunch cilantro
                                                                                             small tub sour cream
                                                                                             2 C dried blueberries
                                                                                             cherry tomatoes
                                                                                             2 avocados

Happy Monday everyone!  Hope you are having a wicked weekend!!


  1. The freezer sounds GROSS.

    But baked oatmeal is DELICIOUS.

    1. Oh've no something out of a horror movie!!!!
